Our 5 Most Popular Posts of 2020

From building Multi-Tenant Applications with JHipster to Network Congestion Forecasting, let’s reflect on our most popular post of 2020.

Multi-Tenant Applications With JHipster

We’ve certainly found JHipster to be very useful for certain types of projects but found that we needed to add multi-tenancy support to the JHipster applications on more than one occasion. With that in mind, and given that multi-tenancy is quite a common requirement for us, we took the opportunity to learn more about JHipster Blueprints and developed our own for creating multi-tenant applications.

Hypothesis Testing of proportion-based samples

Part two of our 4 part series on hypothesis testing. In part one of this series we introduced the concept of hypothesis testing, and described the different elements that go into using the various tests. In this installment, we go into further detail on proportion-based samples, while providing code samples for proportion-based tests. Great for those working with complex data streams!

Selenide: a powerful testing framework

Many testers think about starting their adventure in writing automated test scripts. For anyone interested in commencing their journey with test automation, we would highly recommend starting with Selenide. Why Selenide? Selenide provides simple locators, built-in waits, readable methods and actions. It can be a great start for beginners or a new tool for advanced automation testers.

Applying Analytics and Data Science in Telecoms – Network Congestion Forecasting

Network congestion is a widespread problem for telcos. Most of them rely on the guesswork of experienced operators and to our knowledge a completely automated solution does not exist. This post focuses on our recent developments in the area of predicting mobile network congestion, with the aim to prevent service degradation.

Towards better functional programming in Java with Vavr

Despite being 62 years old, functional programming is doing very well, hasn't been forgotten and is a paradigm that is used daily. In the article, Jędrzej has included basic concepts regarding FP and briefly presented the use of selected elements of the Vavr library, which are only a brief introduction to the whole range of solutions and approaches that can be implemented.

We are delighted to share our most popular posts of 2020 and we can’t thank our readers enough for their interest. We aim to start this year by delivering fresh insights into new and exciting topics from the tech frontier. Please keep an eye on our News & Blog section to stay up to date and as always, just shout if you want to talk about your latest software innovation opportunity!


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