Sonalake to showcase new telecom solutions at Connected Britain 2023

Sonalake to showcase new telecom solutions at Connected Britain 2023

We are happy to announce that Sonalake will be exhibiting at the Connected Britain 2023 conference on 20 – 21 September in London. Connected Britain is the UK's biggest, best-attended event for next-generation broadband, attracting expert speakers and stakeholders from across the industry. It's a chance to network, discuss the latest connectivity developments and newest technologies, and hear about FTTx, FTTH, LTE, and 5G network deployment opportunities in the UK.

It's the 7th time we are exhibiting at the event, sharing our experience in developing and deploying large-scale telecom software solutions for wholesale and retail operators.

Every year, we have the opportunity to showcase our innovative solutions to the industry and make a positive impact. As always, we will be focusing on FTTx Automation, B/OSS, and Network Service Analytics.

Annoucment - Sonalake at the Connected Britian conference, booth #191

Showcasing our new One Touch Switching solution

This year, we'll be showcasing our newest software solution designed to help UK telecom operators meet OTS regulatory obligations.

The introduction of One Touch Switching (OTS) as a mandated process, whereby service providers must integrate with the TOTSCo Hub, represents a significant technology challenge and operational overhead for broadband providers.

As a company actively involved in OTS and a contributing member of INCA SWSIG, Sonalake witnessed many Altnets experiencing challenges in planning to implement OTS. We therefore made a strategic decision to create pivOTS™ - a software solution to facilitate providers to meet OTS regulatory obligations within a significantly lower budget.

pivOTS™ simplifies Hub integration in both gaining and losing scenarios, handling messaging, data management, security, availability, performance, and audit requirements.

Come and say hello

We will be bringing our largest-ever delegation to the 2023 event, so please visit us at Booth 191 to hear about our recent success stories, discuss our real-world experiences, and find out more about our latest software solutions.


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